About Us

Shades Charity Ball founder, Karen Grist
In January 2013, my cancer returned after 12 years in remission. I now have stage 4 secondary breast cancer.

Did you know that breast cancer is the most common cancer in the UK? 55,000 people are diagnosed each year, 400 are men. 1 in 8 women develop breast cancer, but that also means 7 in 8 won’t!

Ladies, at the prime of your life, between the ages of 50 and 70, you will be invited for breast screening, usually in a Sainsbury’s car park. I was 39 when I was first diagnosed. The government has finally agreed that screening needs to be extended to between the ages of 47 and 73 by the end of 2016, this age is still too late.

How many of you, both men & women, will go home tonight, stand in front of the mirror, undress, look and feel? Do you self-examine? I bet the answer is no.

At Shades Charity ball, we support and raise money for cancer charities. In 2013, this was Breakthrough Breast Cancer and our chosen charity for 2014 is the Southampton Macmillian Unit c/o Southampton Hospital Trust. Cancer doesn’t care what family you belong to. All of us, at some time in our lives, may need the support of a huge family, Macmillian.

Shades Charity Ball committee (L-R):
Mel Goddard, Aileen Hayes, Sharon Squires & Karen Grist